Turning Your

Highest Aspirations Into 


You’re Here 

Because There’s A Little Voice

Inside Telling 

You There’s More

In a world where 92% of people let go of their aspirations, BeActChange is on a mission to Flip that statistic

Unsure of where your true purpose lies? You’re definitely not alone. Surprisingly, only about 20% of people have a clear grasp on their deeper purpose. But fear not! Whether you’re an individual seeking direction or an organization aiming to align your team’s efforts with a greater mission, there’s hope on the horizon.

At the heart of our mission is a tried-and-tested formula that’s already guided thousands of individuals and teams from merely striving to truly thriving. We’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of this actionable approach, helping people like you unlock their full potential and make a real, meaningful impact in the world.


Esther Here!

Do you feel you’re meant to have a higher purpose in life?

That is your limitless potential, the voice guiding you towards greatness. I spent years people pleasing and checking off life milestones only to find myself completely lost at the end… and even worse, unfulfilled. It took me years to listen to my inner voice and unpack my purpose but when I finally did, everything changed. Now I’m teaching you how to do the same through my proven methods that amplify your purpose (or voice) and make your dreams a reality.

Learn More


Paul Here!


I was, too. That feeling is the confirmation that you are meant to change the world. It’s a call to action, a whisper from your future self, urging you to embrace your potential. When I listened and understood that voice, I became unstoppable. I can help show you all the possibilities that exist and help you soar. Let’s transform that yearning into a vibrant journey of impact and fulfillment.

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The Trailblazer 


The world needs system breakers & shakers

Are you a trailblazer – one of those dedicated heart led individuals who is dedicated to changing the world and is actively engaged in making it happen? You are a vital part of our world that aspires to do more, to listen better, and to empower those voices that are often unheard. We know you often feel alone, and we see you and are here for you! Become part of our community. Connect with us on LinkedIn, instagram or through email. Better yet! Listen to our podcast designed to ignite your trailblazing spirit, craft your vision, and help you transcend the ordinary.

Take Me There
Discover Your Inner Hero
Unpack Your Superpower!

Unleash The Extraordinary Within 

You! Impact

, Innovate,

And Inspire Change

uncover your unique superpower and ​learn how to channel it to transform ​your world and beyond.

Take The Quiz Now
Esther Zeledon holding her #1 Bestselling book on Amazon titled "Creating Your Limitless Life"

Creating Your 

Limitless Life

Dr. Esther Zeledon

Our Book and Workbook, ‘Creating Your Limitless Life,’ soared in the self-help and personal succcess and transformation categories reaching top rankings and #1 in Amazon.

It’s our comprehensive guide for shaping success, forging a legacy, and navigating challenges. Enrich your life with supportive allies, infuse daily actions with purpose, and craft a strategy for intentional living.

This book is an enduring resource for all phases of life and career. Move beyond just striving – it’s your moment to arrive and thrive.

Learn More

Our Clients Get Results

Will You Be The

Next Success Story?

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“Dr esther zeledon and dr. Paul rivera are excellent speakers & consultants

They elevated my team with their insightful strategies in management, elevating yourself, making an impact and overcoming obstacles. Just as impressive, they have grown each separately and together teams and organizations. Needless to say, I highly recommend Dr. Esther Zeledon and Dr. Paul Rivera for consulting services and guest speaking.”

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